Thursday, December 2, 2010

How to Improve Bowling Skills

Are you an aspiring bowler? Perhaps your familiarity with bowling is very limited? Upper limb swiftness, ball's rotary motion, the four stride method and some of the other bowling techniques are conceivably unknown to you.

A fine bowling tutorial must be prepared so that you'll learn the whole method - from handling a bowling ball right up to the point of its release. Bowling lessons are going to provide you with a pattern that you can use time and time again. After all, as the saying goes, practice makes perfect!

The Experienced Bowler

Have you been playing ten-pin for a long period of time but haven't yet experienced the triumphs that you've been longing for? It may be that you are but a small step from victory.

Are you trying to maintain your head steady from the beginning of your move until you set the ball free? Do you let the ball "roll" off your fingers so that you can maintain the rotary motion you want? Perhaps your hand and footwork doesn't coordinate too well during the execution?

If you are at this stage in your bowling career, then there is no doubt that bowling lessons at a higher level will ultimately benefit!

The Intermediate Bowler

Are you an intermediate bowler who wants to improve upon your current skills set? Bowling lessons are certainly a solution for a bowler like you who has the desire to get to a higher level of performance even though you may have only just gained the fundamentals of the game.

Knowing and understanding the techniques of bowling, it helps you to move on to a much more advanced stage of bowling style like discharging the ball with a "popper", producing strength from your lower limbs and not just from the upper body, and a jam-packed upper limb swing.

As you progress in your own path of learning with added help from the application of bowling lessons, you'll notice how your score improves along the way and become more consistently higher too.

No matter which stage you are at right now in your bowling career, you will find that bowling lessons are a fundamental part of how to improve bowling skills over-all.

Dennis Reynolds is an avid league and tournament bowler with a 227 average. He is the owner of the website, a blog dedicated to helping people learn how to bowl a strike and improve bowling scores.

The Hook Ball - Mastering the Technique of Hooking the Bowling Ball

Most people, probably including you, start out bowling by using a "straight" shot. With this style of bowling, you simply point and shoot. Bowling with this style is effective, and you can in fact bowl an excellent score using it.

Even so, if you want to be more serious about bowling, or further improve your score, you'll need to learn more advanced techniques, adding more skill than luck to your game.

One of the first advanced moves most bowlers incorporate in their game is the hook ball.

By adding the hook ball to your arsenal, you gain much more control over where the ball travels, and which pins are knocked down.

The reason straight bowling can only get you so far is because you have to send the ball down the center of the lane, and hit pins straight on, while avoiding the gutters (and the dreaded gutter ball).

Few people can consistently bowl strikes with straight bowling -- often it's simple luck dictating where the ball strikes the pin, how much the ball is spinning, and how the pins fly around once hit.

More often than not, by sending the ball down the middle of the lane, you'll end up with a nasty split that is difficult to convert into a spare. Even if you do manage to nail the spare, you still won't be able to win a game against others that are able to hit strikes consistently.

That's where the hook ball comes in.

By using the hook ball, you add spin into your shot, using the spin to send the ball exactly where you want it to go.

Creating the hook is controlled by the way you release the ball.

In general, you should release the bowling ball with your thumb close to the bottom, using your fingers to give the ball some spin. With the right amount of spin, the ball should travel in a fairly straight line, until it reaches the "break point".

The break point is the spot in the lane when the ball begins to turn towards the target, leaving it's straight path. When the ball hits the break point, it should arc outwards slightly, then curve back toward the pins you were targeting.

To get the perfect hook ball, you'll need to analyze your bowling habits. You need to figure out your typical axis rotation and axis tilt -- or the amount of vertical and horizontal spin you usually put on your shots.

You can get an idea of these by the position of your hand when you release the ball -- get someone else to watch or take pictures or video of you while you throw several shots.

Once you've identified your axis rotation and tilt style, you can make appropriate corrections to your game. You can also get the best bowling ball for your style.

For a hook game, urethane balls are perfect. The texture of these bowling balls helps to add just the right amount of spin to your throw.

Once you've got the right ball, you need to practice. Learning how to hook the ball properly takes many throws, as you need to become comfortable with each aspect of the throw -- rotation, spin, location, speed.

It does take an investment of time, but once you've mastered the hook ball, you'll have a bowling technique available to you that will help you to score higher, making more strikes, and giving you a greater chance of hitting difficult spares.

Give your game the ultimate boost - visit to learn bowling tips and techniques the professionals don't want you to know about!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Practicing Your Bowling Techniques

You probably see the bowling alley a few times a year, maybe once every month or perhaps everyday. Practicing your bowling techniques has a great impact on your performance. Just like other sports, bowling needs practice. In fact, learning how to bowl is relatively easy, but it's quite challenging to improve and score a high level of accuracy within most of your bowling games.

Even if you are a pro, scoring a row of strikes is not so easy to get even if you master hooking a bowling ball. Your position on the bowling lane, physical posture, mental state and many other factors including lane conditions contribute to your performance on how to bowl consistently.

A better bowler is most likely a bowler that simply practices more and practicing the techniques he/she needs consistently. Earning several strikes in a row can help you achieve high scores and self-recognition as well because it is then that you know that your hard practice is starting to pay off.

There are many popular skill sets out there for a beginner to pro bowler one of which is the hook ball bowling. If you are not so familiar with bowling terms, this means being able to adjust and twist your wrist as you let go of the bowling ball to have the ball move straight at first and later curve down the lane. This method is one of the most commonly known bowling technique for helping with consistent strikes because straight balls are usually not able to reach the "pocket" where the combination of either pins 1 and 2 or pins 1 and 3.

It's enjoyable to see efficient bowling techniques in action but it is also reasonable to practice emotional control as you practice bowling physically. Many might know the effect of over dramatizing or getting angry on games. You might simply lose focus, roll the ball to hard, or even get it completely out of the lane! Just remember that this is a game that you are coming to enjoy. The more you put your emotional actions into control, the more you will be able to focus on getting your techniques right. Keeping the right bowling etiquette can make your game better too.

If it's been a long time since you've been bowling and you are still not able to reap the results, start practicing and you will learn great bowling techniques and tricks to make your game soar through that score sheet.

Want to learn how to bowl? Sick of not performing consistently on the bowling alley? Discover the best bowling techniques among professional bowlers that no amateur ever learns on their own. Learn great bowling techniques that get you scoring game after game in