Saturday, November 13, 2010

Team USA third, fourth in doubles at World Men's Championships


By Lucas Wiseman
USBC Communications

RESULTS: Doubles

MUNICH, Germany - Team USA occupied the third and fourth positions after three rounds of qualifying in doubles Sunday at the 2010 World Tenpin Bowling Association World Men's Championships but remained realistic about their chances of staying among the top four.

Defending world doubles champions Patrick Allen and Rhino Page sat in third for the United States with a six-game total of 2,513, an average of 209.4. Bill O'Neill and Chris Barnes are fourth with 2,502.

The top four teams in the standings after five qualifying squads advance to the semifinals, and Team USA head coach Rod Ross thinks the odds are stacked against both pairs heading into Monday's final two rounds of qualifying.

"The lanes are definitely playing tougher than we anticipated, and the scores are lower," Ross said. "I don't see these scores holding up. You've got two squads of very high caliber players tomorrow. But the good news is we have two of the best players in the world playing tomorrow."

The final U.S. pairing of Tommy Jones and Wes Malott will compete on the second squad Monday. They will be chasing the leaders after Sunday's three rounds, Martin Paulsson and Mathias Arup of Sweden, who totaled 2,621. Malaysia's Alex Liew and Nur Aiman are second with 2,568.

Allen and Page competed on the first squad Sunday, with Allen putting up one of the highest individual totals of the day with 1,367, while Page shot 1,146.

Barnes and O'Neill, meanwhile, were hampered by a disappointing fifth game in which they totaled just 350. O'Neill finished with 1,265, while Barnes shot 1,237. will provide live streaming of the semifinals and finals of each event and coverage can also be viewed live on The doubles semifinals and final are scheduled to begin Monday at Noon Eastern.

The 2010 WTBA World Men's Championships features 356 competitors from 65 countries competing for medals in six events - five-player team, trios, doubles, singles, all-events and Masters match play.

View the original article here

Treating the Obliquus Muscles During Their Shortening Phases

If there were a button you could push on a person's body that would quickly cause deep relaxation, would you like to know about it? Extension of the occiput, taught in all beginning cranial courses, is magically tranquilizing. Most of the heads I cradle, however, are not willing to extend immediately. What is not taught in cranial courses is that most heads have issues with AA rotation and OA sidebending, preventing the normal extension and flexion movement at the occiput. Cranial courses teach you how to adjust the bones within the head, but not the head's articulation with the neck.

Chiropractor's offices are filled with people needing their atlas or axis adjusted. In fact, some Chiropractors adjust only the atlas, others adjust only the axis, and still their practices are full. These Chiropractors are so busy because releasing these two joints melts the whole body. It is likely that slow-motion cranial release is even more beneficial than thrust adjustments.

Cranial work also benefits the practitioner. Treating the OA and AA joints is fun, like solving a three-dimensional puzzle. Also, many of us were drawn to become therapists because we need to create more meaningful relationships. Responding to the person's cranial motion is like having an honest dialogue about the person's deeper issues. A friendship develops between your hands and the person's cerebellum.

Following cranial motion, however, means you have to give up control. If you want the person's head to return toward neutral, but their head wants to remain rotated, you cannot just move it. You have to let go of your need to fix them; it's not about your performance. Therefore, cranial work is also personal development; you practice patience, presence, non-judgment, vulnerability, curiosity, nonself-importance, and compassion. The benefits for the practitioner may be even greater than the benefits for the receiver!

Even if you have never tried following the cranial rhythm, I think you can get it. Here is the essence of the maneuver: Begin the massage with the person face up. Cradle their head in your hands. The AA joint allows rotation, the "no" motion. Let's say their head wants to rotate right. This means their nose would move to the right while the back of their head moves to the left. Since their head is resting on your hands, your hands have to slide to the left across the massage table. You help the head to purely rotate as much as it wants. If it wants to return to neutral, you help it, but if it wants to stay put, you wait. The waiting can take any amount of time. You may feel a twitch, then about twenty seconds later, the head may want to return toward neutral, and the joint is more relaxed.

The OA allows a small amount of "yes" motion, and also allows the cocking of the head, so that one eye lifts higher than the other. If you feel the head sidebending, help this motion to be pure sidebending without rotation. For example, if the top of their head were moving to the right, their chin would move to the left. Once the head has moved, you let it rest there while it thinks things through, and when it is ready, you may feel a twitch, then it begins to move back toward neutral.

You could quit reading now, and this would be enough instruction for you to learn cranial manipulation of the OA and AA joints. While you are practicing, the method teaches itself to you. You are your own best teacher!

The rest of the article is very technical; so don't expect to get it on the first reading. Still, there is much more technical information which may help you. First we will cover the structure and function of the OA and AA joints. Then we must study the muscles that control these joints. Finally I will walk you through an entire treatment. Practice on the people you massage, with the article open so you can refer to the drawings. Between practices, re-read the article. Training for this method is available but I really think you can learn it just by practicing with this article until you find your own inner guidance.


Learning the muscles is important for two reasons. When you palpate the involved muscle at the same time the head is in cranial motion, the joints resolve much sooner. Pure cranial work without palpating the muscle may require thirty minutes to treat the OA and AA joints, while adding muscle palpation reduces the time to an average of eight minutes.

Not only does pressing the muscle save time, it may be a more thorough resolution. When joints get "stuck," what binds them? Muscles. Cranial courses teach you that hydraulic pressures cause the motion. The first time you feel a muscle melt under your finger at the same time the cranial motion returns to neutral, you will believe that cranial motion must be caused by muscle contraction. Muscles have two sets of motor nerves, alpha and gamma. Guarding is present whenever the two nerves are sending incongruent messages to the muscle. Alpha nerves cause motion in the normal sense. Gamma nerves contract only the tiny muscle fibers within the muscle spindle proprioceptors. Gamma nerve enervation is not nearly strong enough to pull one bone closer to another. Gamma nerves are thought to be only necessary for coordinating motion. However, when we feel the head "wanting" to move to the right, what we are feeling may be the gamma contraction. Allowing the gamma contraction to accomplish its wish, by helping the muscle to shorten, its signal synchronizes with the alpha signal, so the muscle guarding disappears. This resolves inner conflict between incongruent brain activities, like thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.


There is no disc between C2 and C1. C2 sprouts a prong, and C1 is a ring-shaped bone that surrounds this prong.

C2 sprouts a prong, and C1 is a ring-shaped bone that surrounds this prong.

Atlanto-axial rotation is C1 rotating on C2, like a ring rotating on a finger. Head rotation occurs not between the head and C1, but between C1 and C2. Normal range of motion for head and neck rotation is 90 degrees. Of this range, the first 45 degrees comes from the AA joint alone while the last 45 comes from the lower five neck joints allowing about 9 degrees each.


When you feel the head "wanting" to rotate right, the muscle spindles of the obliquus capitis inferior on the right must be contracting more than on the left.

The obliquus inferior attaches the spinous process of C2 to the transverse processes of C1. These (use one, the two, or all three) photos show that in 45 degrees of right rotation, the right obliquus inferior is dramatically shortened while the left one is lengthened.

The textbooks may say that the other three suboccipital muscles are head rotators but I am skeptical. Certainly muscles that cross from C1 to the occiput cannot turn the head since C1 rotates with the head. This means obliquus superior and rectus capitis minor have no influence on AA rotation.

The only other suboccipital muscle that could rotate the head at the AA joint would be rectus capitis major, which crosses from the SP of C2 to the occiput. However, rectus major's insertion on the occiput is very close to the centerline, so it can only rotate the head 10 degrees. After 10 degrees, the rectus major begins to lengthen again, which means it would inhibit any rotation of more than 10 degrees. The problem with studying these muscles is that most photos and diagrams are shown in neutral, but we need to see them in right rotation.

This is all the rotation that the right rectus major can cause

The rectus major begins to lengthen again, proving that it would inhibit full AA rotation if it were contracting. Only the right obliquus inferior continues to shorten.

Clearly the right obliquus inferior is the one muscle that rotates the AA joint to the right. Sure, the left SCM can also rotate the head right. However, if the left SCM is contracting more than the right SCM, the cranial practitioner would not feel pure rotation, but rotation mixed with sidebending to the left. If you feel pure rotation to the right, the right obliquus inferior is the muscle that is contracting greater than its natural amount.


If the head rotates more than forty-five degrees, then the over-contracting muscle must be one of the extrinsic rotators like the trapezius, splenius capitis, SCM, or semispinalis capitis. However, when the person's head rotates more than forty-five, it is usually because the person is consciously engaging muscles to "help" you rotate the head. Conscious contraction feels much different than subconscious cranial motion; it is powerful and notchy while cranial motion is smooth and subtle. Cranial motion often rotates the person's head right up to forty-five degrees then stops there for a time. Keeping the right obliquus in its shortest position for ninety seconds may balance its contraction. You may feel a twitch, then the head wanting to return to neutral. Rubbing, then pressing the obliquus inferior while it is shortening will be even more effective.

If the head rotated to the right, now the weight of the head is on your right hand. Your left hand is free. Use your middle fingertip to find the obliquus inferior. (look ahead to the next picture) Since the muscle is very small, first find the origin and insertion, and then press halfway between. Your left fingers will reach under the neck, palpate the spinous process (SP) of C2, and reach farther under. If you can find the transverse process (TVP) of C1, great! However, this is difficult to palpate accurately, even though it is the largest TVP. If you can't feel the TVP, then palpate the mastoid process of the temporal bone (since the head and C1 rotate together, the TVP of C1 is very close to the mastoid process). Press halfway between the origin and insertion, and using a diagonal (cross-fiber) motion, discern the fibers of the obliquus inferior. Even if you cannot palpate the fibers on your first try, I know you can press halfway between the two bones, so don't worry, you are pressing in the right place.

Use cross-fiber strokes whenever a muscle is in its shortening phase. If the muscle stops in its shortest position, stop the rubbing motion and press into the bulge of the contracted muscle.

Then you wait. You may feel one of two things: either the head will begin to rotate back toward neutral, which you will monitor with your right hand, or you will feel a softening under your left middle fingertip. Using two hands in partnership like this adds a new dimension to the therapy. If the first response you feel is the motion of the head, then respond by helping the head return to neutral with your right hand, while still palpating the muscle with your left hand. If the first response you feel is the softening of the muscle, follow the sinking with your left fingertip while still monitoring the head motion with your right hand.

As the head begins to rotate back toward neutral, the person's nose will move left. You must help the back of their head move to the right to maintain pure rotation. Your left fingertip is still pressed into the obliquus. Curl this finger so that it is preventing C2 from following the back of the head to the right. Press your left thumb against their head, squeezing your thumb and fingertip slowly closed as the head rotates, ensuring that C2 does not rotate to the right with the back of the head.

The head's weight is on the right hand, leaving the left middle fingertip free to monitor and press the right obliquus inferior. Once the head begins returning toward neutral, use the fingertip to prevent C2 from moving right with the back of the head.

Even if you do not pin C2, even if you are not sure you are really palpating the obliquus inferior, just following the motion of their head is very therapeutic. You will get the more subtle parts of the maneuver in the months ahead as you practice.

Once you have felt a release on one or both sides, the AA joint may want to again rotate right, then left, then right, using up precious time. The cerebellum may be stuck in a rut. It may be time to move on. The next time the head rotates to neutral, stop the rotation and apply a firm extension to the head, to begin the next maneuver. Once extension had begun, let the head float to see which direction it will go. Guiding the motion is okay for a few seconds, but then listen for the person's cerebellum telling what is most important on its agenda.


There is no disc between C1 and the occiput. C1 provides two supporting bowls and the occiput has two curved posts that rest in these bowls, like two mortar-in-pestles.

Some anatomists speak of the OA facets as opening and closing. A facet opens when the two bones come away from each other, the distance that the ligaments allow. Since these facets are at the front of the spine, both facets would open when you tilt your head to look up (extension), and both facets would close if you tilt your head to look down (flexion). If you cock your head so that your right eye is higher, the right facet would be open while the left one would be closed. Seeing the curved shape of these facets, you may wonder if, instead of opening and closing, the posts slide forward, backward, and side-to-side in the dishes. Probably some combination of sliding and opening takes place.


Because the OA joint can flex, extend, tip left, tip right, tip left in extension, tip right in extension, tip left in flexion, and tip right in flexion, there are many muscles to consider. When the head "wants" to tip right in extension, for example, the rectus capitis posterior major, minor, and the obliquus capitis superior on the right are contracting stronger than the ones on the left. When the head tips right in flexion, the suprahyoids are contracting more on the right. The SCM does not tip the head forward or backward on the OA joint. While the SCM can pull the whole head and neck forward, the head will remain level.

Therefore, when the SCM contracts it cannot rock the head forward or backward on this joint. If the SCM is contracting greater on one side, this sidebends the head at the OA joint, but the sidebending would not be accompanied by flexion or extension of the head--instead, the sidebending of the OA joint would be accompanied by rotation to the opposite side.


If you don't feel any motion the moment you cradle the head, apply some force to tip the head back (chin rising) for five or ten seconds and forward (chin dropping) for ten more, back and forth every ten seconds in a very gentle rhythm. While you are causing this motion, be responsive to other motions that the person's head would rather move. For example, I often find that when tipping the head back, it cannot go fully back unless it also sneaks into a sidebend. If full back-and-forth motion is present for several repetitions with no side-tipping or rotation, then it is time to move on to the rest of the body.

When you feel tipping to the right, help it tip even more. Pure OA sidebending means that the forehead moves to the right, the nose remains in the same place, and the chin moves to the left. When you feel the head moving right, guide the chin left. Once the OA has come to its limit, the motion will probably stop there for a while. The sidebending may occur in flexion, in extension, or neutral.

When the head tips right, the nose remains in the same place while the forehead moves right and the chin moves left.

Keeping the over-contracting muscle in its shortened position for about ninety seconds, the incongruence may resolve. You might feel a twitch, then the head wanting to return to neutral. Rubbing the muscle while it is shortening, then pressing while it is stopped in its shortest position, accelerates the process dramatically.

Here is a list for which muscles to rub while the head is moving into various positions:

Muscle palpation cheats (to the right):

While tipping R in flexion, R suprahyoids

While tipping R in extension, R suboccipitals

While extending, suboccipitals on both sides, and all larger muscles that attach to head (traps, splenius capitis, and semispinalis capitis)

While flexing, supra-and infra-hyoids on both sides

While tipping R and sidebending L at the same time, R SCM

While sidebending the whole neck to the R, or while sidebending R and rotating R at the same time, R levator, R splenius capitis, R semispinalis capitis and R traps

While rotating R up to 45 degrees, R obliquus inferior

While rotating past 45 degrees, R levator, R splenius capitis, R semispinalis capitis, R traps, and L SCM.


Have the person lying face-up on a massage table with their head in your hands, supporting it as if it were floating in water. Close your eyes and relax. Your wrists should not bend backward or forward but remain in line with your radius bone. Within three seconds, the person's body is already showing you which way the head would like to rotate, tip, flex, or extend. If you don't feel it yet, fake it. Lift the occiput, causing the head to tip back (chin rising) for five or ten seconds and forward (chin dropping) for ten more, back and forth every ten seconds in a very gentle rhythm. You lead at first, and then follow. While you are causing this motion, be responsive to other motions that the person's head would rather move. If regular back-and-forth motion is present for several repetitions with no side tipping or rotation, then no maneuver is necessary today.

I find rotation is usually the first motion to correct. If the head wants to rotate to the right, guide the back of the head to the left to keep the rotation pure. Palpate the right obliquus inferior, which is now shortening. Rub it while it is shortening, and when it has rotated fully and stops, press this muscle. You may feel the muscle soften, the head returning toward neutral, or both.

When the head begins to return to the center, allow this movement by sliding the occiput back across the table. Hold C2 while the head is returning toward neutral. When the nose is straight up again, the head will tend to rotate the other way, often because the person thinks it should. Gently prevent the head from rotating again, and instead, push up on the occiput slightly, making the chin rise, to see if the head will extend and flex in a slow rhythm.

Once rotation is balanced, the head may tip to one side at the OA joint. Palpate and rub the muscle that is shortening. You don't have to remember the names of the muscles to do this. If the head is tipping backward and to the right, the muscle must be on the back right side of the head. While the head is tipping right, guide the chin to the left to maintain pure sidebending without rotation. If the motion stops while tipped to one side, press that muscle more firmly. Pressing the exact muscle that is over-contracting accelerates the release.

Once the head will tip backward and forward in rhythmic, smooth, slow motion, it is time to move to the rest of the body. Your curved hands are two question marks, asking nonverbal questions that help the person express the unspoken.


Once you are facile with the OA and AA, you will be able to feel the same motions acting at different joints. Any neck vertebra, C2 through c6 can flex, extend, rotate, or sidebend on the vertebra below it. You will soon be able to feel that the fulcrum of the motion is lower in the neck. When you feel sidebending between C3 and C4, for example, make a fulcrum with your fingertip so that the sidebending will be more specific. Coincidentally, exactly where you make the fulcrum will be the place you need to palpate and press to release the muscles there.


The technique is finished if the head will flex and extend at the OA joint in a normal rhythm without sidebending or rotating. What if the OA and AA do not resolve in ten minutes? I'll tell them that their neck could use more help, and ask if they want to use more time now to pursue a resolution, or schedule another massage to focus more on the neck. Often the person is in an altered state within ten minutes, and would love to spend another fifty minutes going deeper.

Patrick Moore travels Nationwide as an NCBTMB educator for massage therapists, and practices massage in Phoenix, AZ. In 2001 he discovered Melting Muscles--guarded muscles relax when the brain feels safe. A specialist in the Obliquus muscles that control the atlas and axis of the neck, his articles have appeared in Massage & Bodywork magazine and Massage Therapy Journal. Please visit or

Have You Ever Bowled a Strike and Said, "I've Got It"?

What would your score be if you could bowl, all the time, with that same feeling? Pretty good? What would you say if we promised you that high score? Unbelievable? Incredible as it may seem, that is exactly what we promise.

If you are willing to keep an open mind for a new concept while you read this article, we can point a way to help you improve your bowling score immeasurably as well as your enjoyment of the game.

Have you ever rolled a gutter ball while concentrating on the theories of the proper stance, delivery, slide, release and follow through? You know all there is to know about the mechanics of the bowling delivery and can recite the theories forwards and backwards.

The only thing you don't seem to understand is your score. It seems the more you know and the harder you try, the worse you get.

If it is true that you know the fundamental movements of the bowling delivery and yet fail to bowl well, your failure must be in your mental play.

Here is a promise for better Bowling. Our new bowling book is dedicated to the mental side of bowling or, more specifically, to the use of self-belief for control of the mechanical action of the bowling delivery. The use of self-belief is a new concept and one that will help the bowler with all phases of His or Her game. The reader will learn about the simplest, most effective technique ever devised to help him bowl consistently high scores.

What will they think of next. Your first reaction to the use of self-belief for improving your bowling game will probably be a big smile followed by the comment, what rubbish, its all been tried before, ahh, but not the way we'll teach you! The way we instruct is by self-hypnosis. Let us examine some interesting facts. Bookstores and libraries have racks filled with volumes on the physical side of bowling.

Autobiographies by professional bowlers reveal, with the frankness of confession story writers, how they "feel" during every moment. Endless "tips" appear in newspapers and magazines aimed at improving the game of the average player. Yet, why are there so many players seriously seeking improvement when the bowling delivery has been completely revealed, charted and plotted with the thoroughness of a geographical map?

The average player knows the fundamental movements of the bowling delivery, yet fails to play well. It must follow that his failure is in his mental play. Through hypnosis, the way to obtain a mental effect may be explained, understood and put to use. It reveals the mental side of bowling with the clarity that high speed cameras disclose the physical movements of the delivery. Here's the Secret. Self-hypnosis helps the bowler to attain "the subconscious feel" which is imperative to good bowling. The subconscious feel has been described as the rhythm you have during a practice delivery, or that "sweet feeling" when a ball is thrown correctly. Any conscious effort usually produces muscle tension. This is what is meant when you are told "you are trying too hard." Your conscious mind is so concerned with the mechanical movements and your desire to spill the pins that it repeatedly produces muscle tension.

Use Your Practice Game In League Play. Keeping that important feeling is what you are going to learn from using self-hypnosis. It is the secret of the champions and high average bowlers who have discovered the means of taking their practice games into tournament and league play.

It is known as "the subconscious feel'. Once you have learned how to activate this subconscious feeling and to bowl with the timing, relaxation and coordination possible in practice while under the tension of competition, most of your problems will be solved and you'll be well on the way to the high average you are capable of carrying.

The Experts Agree. Take it from Hank Marino, world champion, named bowler of the Half-Century and a member of the Bowling Hall of Fame. Hank said, "it isn't until a bowler enters a tournament of competition, no matter how small it may be, that the mental side of the game asserts itself.

"The one thing that is impressive is the incredible change of temperature. This change of mental attitude almost makes a bowler a stranger to himself". The great bowling master, Joe Falcaro, explained it as, being "The kegler who feels he has a 300 game in the offing after two or three successive strikes will discover that every delivery gets tougher.

His relaxation turns into tension and his muscles tighten. The ball seems to get heavier and more difficult to release. That's the mental side of bowling. Every star writing on bowling or lecturing at clinics stresses that form is a highly individual matter. The only thing that really counts is being able to relax tension for a smooth delivery.

Carmen Salvino, who started bowling at 12, was in a classic league at 17 and at 19 was the youngest American Bowling Congress (ABC) titlist, states: "I practice until the game becomes automatic. I don't have to think about what I intend to do with the ball, so I can be completely relaxed and natural when I am in competition".

Here's more Proof From The experts. You could go right through the Bowling Hall Of Fame and get identical advice from each of the greats. Ed Lubanski, Bowler of the year in 1959, said, "Think what you are going to do as you take your stance. Then don't think about anything in particular and just learn to spill the pins".

Only the phrasing changes as each of the champions gives advice. Buzz Fazio states it as, 'timing can make or break a bowler. The path to the fowl line is short but is strewn with pitfalls if your timing is off. Avoid stiffening. Be calm, relaxed and don't hurry your delivery".

The application of hypnosis to your bowling game was explained by Joseph Whitney in his popular King Features syndicated newspaper column, "Mirror of the Mind". He wrote: Properly performed, hypnosis is capable of changing mental attitudes at the conscious level. If faulty mental attitudes are responsible for an athlete's inadequate performance, a change wrought by hypnosis could improve his skill".

You can Use Your Subconscious Mind For Better Bowling. Should the term hypnosis connotate mystery, black magic, stage trickery or fear, disregard it. Upon closer examination, you will find you are not only familiar with it, but you have been using it while thinking of it in other terms such as self-discipline, positive thinking, automatic response, muscle memory, suggestion or unconscious desire.

Hypnosis is not a new phenomenon. Its recorded history goes much further back in time than that of the ancient and honorable game of bowling. The only new thing about hypnosis is when you, yourself, become aware of it. Then, it's great power to influence the mind becomes known to you. You will learn to use it effectively, because you will understand how to channel it's forces to tap the hidden resources of your subconscious mind.

With the proper application of self-hypnosis, you will be able to bowl the best game you are physically capable of playing. The method of accomplishing this will be as normal as the automatic response while walking.

We know you may be hesitant about tying this new approach and because of this we make the following statement: See for yourself the unbelievable results. If you don't score higher, bowl consistently better and derive greater satisfaction from your bowling game - simply click on my picture at the top of this page and receive FREE one to one coaching, to help you score higher! Fair Enough?

The sound, authoritative instructions for using self-hypnosis to improve your bowling are presented in clear, logical sequence and packed with new bowling aids.

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Nothing Is Impossible. How to achieve total success is truly a miracle - multiplying coaching course, you can't miss if you will work with this system. Tools that will make you successful:- Goal achieving made easy; the dynamics of Scientific Affirmations that will deliver the results you desire. Act Today! From The Sports Hypnosis Coach.

Trevor Dalley has been helping many people with their Sports Health and Fitness over the last 30 years and would like to help you. More information on The Ultimate Bowling Guide and regaining the desire for a fit and outgoing life can be found at The Mental Side Of Bowling See our website packed with wonderful and proven remedies for surviving modern life.

Bowling Scores - Knowing How to Score a Game of Bowling

Keeping score in a game of bowling may seem complicated, but it really just comes down to adding up the number of pins each player knocks down. Each frame, a player has two opportunities to knock down ten pins. A game consists of ten frames, and the player with the highest score at the end of the tenth frame, wins.

If you are bowling at an alley without a scoring computer, you'll probably be given a paper scoresheet. Before you start playing, record each players name in the appropriate area of the scoresheet. The pins that are knocked down on a player's first attempt are counted and recorded. The mechanical pin setter then removes the standing pins, clears the knocked-down pins, and then returns the remaining pins.

The player then takes their second attempt, and any additional pins that are knocked down are counted and added to the first. The score from both attempts is first added together, and then to any previous scores, to calculate the running score for the frame. Most scoresheets have a small area in each frame to record the number of pins knocked down in each of the first and second attempts. The running total is then written in the larger area of the scoresheet.

For example:

If a player knocks down six pins on their first attempt, and then two pins on their second attempt, then they've scored an 8 on the first frame. In the second frame, if that player knocks down seven pins on their first attempt, and one pin on their second attempt, then their total score is now 16.

Players score bonus points when they knock down all ten pins in a frame, by either bowling a strike or a spare. The number of bonus points depends not only on whether a strike or spare was bowled, but also on the player's performance with the next 1 or 2 balls.

You score a strike when you knock down all ten pins on the first ball of the frame. To record a strike, mark an X for that frame; their score will be the ten pins of the strike plus any pins knocked down on two balls of the next frame. (You delay recording the score for that frame until the next one is completed).

After a strike, the next frame should be scored as usual. If the player bowls a second strike, scoring will need to be delayed until the next frame. The pins knocked down with that ball are added to the 10 from each strike.

A player that knocks down all 10 pins with their second ball is scored as rolling a spare.

To record a spare, mark a/ in that frame. The score for the frame is the 10 pins knocked down plus the number of pins knocked down on the first ball of the following frame. Bowling scores accumulate each frame until 10 frames are completed. If, in the tenth frame, a bowler rolls a strike or a spare, they are allowed bonus balls to determine their score.

Once each player has finished the ten frames, the resulting highest score determines the winner.

Give your game the ultimate boost - visit to learn bowling tips and bowling techniques to help you better enjoy the game, and maybe impress your friends, too!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Sports Psychology For Bowlers - A Very Important Bowling Tip to Get You Bowling in the Zone

Do you love bowling? Are you pro or do you bowl in a league or two a few nights a week? Do you love the feeling of seeing the ball in the one-three pocket? Can you feel a strike ball the second it leaves your hand? Do you know what it is like to bowl in the zone and get on a roll? Do you hate seeing a high ball knowing that you will face a split? Don't you hate it when you miss a seven pin or a ten pin?

Once you master the mechanical and physical techniques that are involved in bowling, this sport becomes quite mental. That is, once you know how to roll the ball, hit your marks, keep your rhythm and your balance the game becomes quite psychological.

Over the years, I have counseled many bowlers. Some have been recreational bowlers and others have been professionals. I have used hypnosis, guided imagery, relaxation training, confidence building techniques, focusing techniques and motivational strategies to help them achieve their long term goals and their short term goals.

Some want raise their average. Some want to earn their living on the lanes. Some bowlers want to be stars in their weekly leagues. Others want to avoid choking when the pressure is on.

In counseling these bowlers, I tend to learn a great deal about their personalities, their dreams and their approach to the game. Believe it or not, many of them have very different things running through their mind when they step up to the lane and get their fingers into their ball.

Some bowlers are target oriented. Others are more technique oriented. Some enjoy the pressure and the crowds. Others like to feel alone, centered and focused on the lanes. They like feeling that they are in their own cocoon of concentration. The mental training I do with them is about getting them into the ideal state of mind to perform to their fullest potential.

One of the very important decisions I help my clients make is whether or not they want to watch their opponents bowl. They also need to decide if they want to watch the score or not. Some players do better attending to the competition and some do better bowling in a physical and psychological vacuum.

The bowler and I frequently sort this decision out via counseling and trial and error. We tend to go with whatever works, whatever feels most comfortable and whatever produces the highest scores and the most wins.

So, no matter what level you bowl at, you need to decide how aware you want to be of external cues.

Jay P. Granat, Ph.D. is a psychotherapist and the founder of He has been featured in many media and coached top athletes from every sport. Here is a link to download his comprehensive program for bowlers.

The Top Ten Bowling Techniques To Improve Your Score

Bowling is one of the best ways to improve fitness and coordination while having fun with your family and friends. It's a lot more than simply throwing a heavy ball down a long's one of the most complicated and competitive sports around. By learning to master the top-ten techniques of bowling, you'll gain confidence, have more fun, and beat the competition!

The top 10 bowling techniques:

1. Have perfect Posture

In bowling, posture counts! Keep your head up, looking straight at your target. Your shoulders should remain square to the foul line, especially through the swing.

2. Grip the ball properly

If you use a house ball, make sure the thumbhole is loose fitting. The thumb frequently swells a little during bowling and if you're forcing your fingers into the holes before you bowl, they're likely to get stuck! If you have your own ball, have your pro shop custom drill your finger holes. If your thumb routinely swells, wrapping it in bowler's tape can help. If your hands sweat, be sure to carry a towel to wipe them on and then dust your hands with a little rosin. If you have a hard time gripping the ball, your pro shop can insert grips into the finger holes.

3. Remember where you are

If you're right handed, a good place to start is 2 arrows right of the middle. If you're left handed, start 2 arrows to the left of center. Adjust your position right or left after you have bowled a couple of balls, depending on where your ball ended up.

4. Focus on your target

Decide where you're going to aim. If it's your first ball, aim to bowl just to the right of the 1 (front) pin if you're right handed or to the left of it if you're left handed.

5. Breathe

Relax yourself by taking three slow, deep breaths. It's common to feel anxious before bowling... but the calmer you are, the more control you will have over your ball.

6. Smooth moves

The way you carry yourself to bowl decides the speed and power of your ball. Position yourself so you will take four consistently paced steps to throw the ball.

7. Slow down!

One of the most common traits beginning bowlers have in common is to rush. It's important to have some speed to deliver the ball correctly, but too much speed is the #1 reason for both gutter balls and 7-10 splits in beginning bowlers!

8. Maintain your balance

Be sure to stay upright and focused on your target as you approach the foul line. Keep your shoulders square as you use your leg as a counterweight to keep your balance during the release.

9. Release the ball

Keeping your arm slightly bent at the elbow, retract your arm behind your body, cradling the ball in your hand. Keep a smooth straight arc from back to front. Be careful of arcing around your body and back...that's a common habit in many new bowlers! At the low point of your swing, release the ball. A relaxed arm and wrist make for an effective shot!

10. Follow through

Keep your target in sight and your arm continuing its arc forward even after the ball has been released. Just "letting the ball go" and pulling your arm back will cause the ball to roll off-course.

The most important thing to remember when learning to bowl is to have FUN! By learning proper bowling techniques you will make the game much more enjoyable for yourself and for those who bowl with you.

ImproveBowling offers a bowling guide e-book that is great for bowlers interested in improving their bowling skill, especially for beginner and recreational bowlers. Visit to learn more about what the e-book has to offer and you can download it instantly.

The Basic Bowling Terms

Knowing how to bowl does not simply depend on practicing how to roll the bowling ball down the lane. As a well-back grounded bowler, it is good to know some (if not most) of the basic bowling terms. When beginner bowlers decide to skip this step, many aspects of the game may look confusing to them. It is true that you might acquire many more terms when you actually practice the game, however not knowing what a spare or a foul line is on your first game can be a grave gap.

There are tens if not hundreds of bowling terms out there. So how do you choose which one to learn first and which one to leave for later? The words that you need to first concentrate on are the ones related to the basic equipment and to basic scoring. While many people know what a bowling lane, bowling bowl and strike is some are not aware that a strike can only be done on the bowler's first ball. Hence if you knock down all the pins on your second ball, that would not be called a strike but a spare.

After you warm up, hold your bowling ball with your fingers and approach the lane. You need to know that the line at which you need to stop is called the foul line which can cause you to be disqualified - if you crossed it. After you do throw the ball as a first timer and if the ball goes off course, it will fall into the side "gutter" and that would be called a gutter ball.

To bowl, you need to understand the terminologies used in bowling techniques. For example, straight bowling is the bowling technique also referred to as point and shoot bowling which most if not all beginners resort to when they learn how to bowl. On the other hand, pro bowlers throw hook balls when they throw the bowling ball in a straight lane until it reaches a point where it curves and hooks back to knock down all the ten pins. Hook ball bowling is one of the most popular bowling techniques and hook ball bowling needs a lot of effort from the bowler because the bowler needs to use the proper grip and make the proper swing as he releases. Top-spin bowling is another terminology referring to one of the hard available bowling techniques through which the bowler is supposed to place his right arm right above the head level and have his wrist bent.

Other common bowling terminologies which we still have not discussed are: frame (which is one tenth part of a game), box (also referred to a single frame on the scoring card), dead ball (a ball not counter, like a gutter ball or a foul ball), double (two consecutive strikes), mark (a strike or spare), string (several strikes in a row), and turkey (specifically three strikes in a row).

Finally, you need to keep in mind that just like many other sports, bowling has a lot of slang bowling terms which can be directly caught off the bowling game one of which is apple (referring to the bowling ball). So, knowing how to bowl is not just about rolling the bowling ball down the alley, but also about being familiar with basic bowling terms.

Want to learn how to bowl? Sick of not performing consistently on the bowling alley? Discover the best bowling tips and techniques among professional bowlers that no amateur ever learns on their own with The Bowling Tips.

Bowl a Strike - How to Spin a Bowling Ball

Learning how to spin a bowling ball correctly will surely improve your bowling game and have you bowl a strike in no time. If you are often left feeling disappointed at your bowling score, feel something is missing from your game or simply feel ready to take your bowling technique to the next level, keep reading for bowling tips.

Ten pin bowling pins are actually 12" apart so when you bowl a strike you need to cause the pins to knock each other over. Learning how to spin a bowling ball, instead of throwing it straight causes the pins to behave more destructively upon impact, knocking each other over in the process and earning you a strike. Unfortunately, it is not as easy as it looks to spin the ball and bowl a strike ! However, there are a few bowling tips which will help you to spin the ball.

Having the right type of bowling ball is going to help you alot if you want to bowl a strike more often as some bowling balls are better for spinning than others. The plastic balls which you find at your bowling alley are excellent for straight shots and therefore not really suited to spinning (or hooking as it is called). Bowling balls made from urethane have a better hook or spin. Professional bowlers prefer to use particle balls, this gives them increased control over the spin.

To spin the bowling ball properly and improve your bowling game, you want only your fingertips in the bowling ball not your whole fingers. Otherwise, if you try to spin the bowling ball your fingers may be rolling down the lane too. Buying your own bowling ball that is custom-built for your fingers will also help.

The next thing you need to do to learn how to spin a bowling ball properly is concentrate on your form. Keep in mind that the ideal point of impact is the "pocket" between the first pin and the third pin (the front pin and the one directly behind it to the right).

If you are right-handed then you will want to aim for the second triangle marker from the right (the opposite if your left-handed) You may find you veer naturally to one way or another so keep experimenting to see what works for you. Once you know what positioning is best you need to practice releasing the ball in this way every time to bowl a strike.

To spin the bowling ball, hold the ball with your hand underneath and your thumb on top as you approach the line and before you release the ball, twist your wrist so your hand is near the top of the ball and your thumb at the bottom. So, if you are right-handed this will mean you are turning your hand to the left. Remember, by aiming the ball for the second marker from the right will accommodate for the distance the ball will spin to the left. With a bit of luck and a lot of practice, your ball should spin into "the pocket" and earn you a strike!

For even more information on how to spin a bowling ball and other bowling tips to improve your guide click on the following link: how to spin a bowling ball.

Perfecting the Art of Bowling

Becoming a great bowler requires that the art of picking spares should be perfected. Many bowlers, including those who believe they are the best have the habit of leaving spares behind and yet this is what the joy of bowling is all about. Sometimes, even after throwing a perfect strike a bowler can leave a split. If anyone wants to become a great bowler, then the secret to making more scores is to make sure that the spare shots are consistently made.

Working well with the bowling spare requires that few tips which will go a long way in ensuring that they work to the advantage of the bowler. The first tip is to make sure that there is consistency especially with the first ball. If a bowler leaves, the pins standing this will help when it comes to converting the pin into a spare.

Another great tip that could help any bowler gets many bowling spare is to ensure that they play with simplicity and do not try to be fancy when shooting spares. This means that the bowler has to observe the way the ball responds whenever they make a shot and especially as it approaches the foul line. After establishing this, then the bowler should maintain the same approach for all the balls on the left side and those on the left because each side has its own approach.

A bowler should also work at ensuring that they do not change the whole aspects of bowling at a go. If the bowler has taken the approach of arm swing and approach, then this should be maintained because the bowler already knows the way the ball is going to respond. The only thing that should be liable for change is when the bowler is approaching the foul line where they throw the ball and this is largely due to the fact that the oiling will be different depending on the lane that the bowler is playing on.

A bowler can also perfect winning with bowling spare by practicing before any game is due. During this time, they should concentrate on picking up the spares that they leave behind. This can be done by practicing to hit the seven and ten pin that is considered as some of the hardest out the tenpins available to hit. The simplest techniques of approaching bowling can also go a long way in getting a bowler spare. For instance, a bowler could start by hitting the pin that is nearest to them.

This works at giving an advantage because at the end of the end, the number of spares will have increased. The bowler can also take the advantage of rolling the ball across the spare they are aiming at. This will ensure that they do not in any way miss the mark. The way bowlers position themselves also determines if they are able to get more spares than other bowlers are. The best technique to achieve is to move the feet over one dot for every pin they are aiming for.

Do you want to learn how to play bowling? Get our FREE eCourse packed with secrets and tips on how to play bowling and hit more strikes for a limited time at

Ten Pin Bowling Tips For Constantly Changing Oil Patterns

For many across the world, ten pin bowling is often seen as a fun, recreational activity to partake in with friends. Although many of us see it merely as something fun to do, we cannot disregard the extreme amount of competition which comes from taking part in activities such as this. For those who partake in bowling as a means of entertainment, for others it is a competitive and serious sport which is all about skill, tactics and precise execution of your plays. However, for those who watch bowlers take part in this competitive sport and yearn to have the skills to earn as many points as they do; they should be aware that it is not just the way in which they execute their bowling which affects their scores, but something else-oil.

In the early beginnings of ten pin bowling, oil was required in order to help protect and maintain the surfaces of the lanes. The oil is usually spread across the lane surface by a machine which distributes the oil to a set pattern which is determined by what the use of the bowling venue is at that particular time. It is these oil patterns which affect the way in which the ball will react to the surface of the lane which affects how accurately you will be able to hit your target. Some players may be unaware of the effects of the oil on their balls accuracy, but the quicker you notice how the oil pattern affects your playing, the quicker you will be able to learn more about oil patterns in order to adjust to them and help influence your scores.

One of the easiest ways in which you can increase your skills with manipulating oil patterns in your play is simply through practice.

Those bowlers who are able to gain high scores with multiple patterns will be those who practice excessively. In terms of league players, they will often take multiple practice shots before the start of the game in order to try and establish what the pattern on the lane is and then use this to their advantage. In some cases you may be notified of what the pattern is, but with practice you will be more able to see for yourself exactly how the oil pattern will affect the accuracy of your aim. You can also develop a starting point and type of shot to use at the beginning of each game which will help you to indicate the oil pattern based on where the ball hits in relation to where your intended target is and the route in which was taken to get there.

In instances where you find yourself playing with dry lanes, you will often find that the ball will move very abruptly away from your target due to the lack of oil. This will then make you change your target line in order to hit your intended target. In the event that you are playing on a heavily oiled lane, this will cause your ball to skid through the oil before grabbing the lane once it reaches a drier section of the lane. In these cases, it is important to be aware of how much oil is on the lane as this may result in a ball change being needed. However, it is important to be aware that the conditions of the lanes will change constantly when you bowl due to the oil on the lanes drying up or being stretched further down the lane through the balls rolling through it. This is an important factor to take into consideration as this will also greatly affect the way in which you ball reacts to the lane and whether it will reach your target or not. In this event, you will often find you have to continuously change your playing techniques in order to be able to work well with the pattern changes.

Oil patterns can greatly affect the way in which you score, but by being aware of how the different patterns affect the route in which your ball takes, you will be able to change the way in which you bowl each time and use this to your advantage. Remember that as your game continues you will need to change the way in which you execute each shot to compensate for the changes in the oil. But above all, practice; practicing will allow you to not only read the patterns quicker but also be aware of exactly what alterations you will need to make in order to keep your scores high and keep you winning.

Robert Eckert

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Ten Pin Bowling Tips and Techniques

You might be wondering what ten pin bowling is. In the US, it is simply referred to as "bowling", but the term "ten pin bowling" is especially used in the UK so it would not be mixed with other bowling types like five pin bowling or lawn bowling for example. Bowling can be enjoyed by all ages especially when the bowler knows the basics and needed techniques and tips.

To start with, a bowler needs to be familiar with equipment, common terminologies and etiquette around the bowling alley. Ten bowling pins are used in bowling, each of around 3 pounds and 4 ounces and 3 pounds and 10 ounces. The bowling ball on the other hand can be made from rubber or plastic or a combination of materials. Most bowling balls in ten pin bowling have three holes - one for the middle finger, the ring finger, and the thumb. The bowler needs to choose his bowling ball with caution and make sure he is comfortable with handling it before going to his/her bowling game. Be aware that bowling balls do not weigh more than 16 pounds.

At times, it can be rather difficult to overcome the fear of running the gutter since once the ball is in the gutter, it does not hit any pins down. The important key in this case would be to focus on how to bowl and to make sure that you are physically prepared as well (you can do so by warming up and stretching). If you had one of the bowling balls in the gutter, simply focus and get the negative thoughts out of your head so you would not get distracted.

Strike! You probably heard this term a lot before even knowing how to bowl because this is considered the ultimate goal of the game; scoring consistent strikes where you hit all ten pins in the first ball- thus, getting 10 points! When you can't bowl a strike, do not feel down because strikes are usually the result of a collective effort over time.

Here are some bowling tips to give you better idea how to do ten pin bowling. Some of the recommended mental tips to give you a close look and better idea on how to do ten pin bowling are:

1 - Be a timely bowler: know when to start preparing (stretch and warm up), when to go next up on the lane, and when to release your ball - even the little details might even pay off in the total game results.

2 - Get your head in the game: once you are too tense or too relaxed (taking things lightly), you might actually get distracted and through the bowling ball completely out of the lane and into the gutter. Follow what is going on, keep a keen eye on the game and not go about wandering around the bowling alley.

Bowling is a game which reaps result if you follow on its both mental and physical tips and techniques.

Read through our website and put the right bowling tips and techniques into action to watch yourself become a pro bowler!

Learning how to bowl? Sick of not performing consistently on the bowling alley? Discover the best bowling tips among professional bowlers that no amateur ever learns on their own and find how what are the bowling tricks these professionals use that average people are not aware of with

The Proper Bowling Technique For Beginning Bowlers

Bowling is a wonderful sport for those who know the proper bowling technique to use. If you have an aversion to gutterballs, then using the proper technique will help. Knowing which way you should stand and what type of ball is all included in the proper bowling technique.

The first thing to learn when trying to find your proper bowling technique is in holding the bowling ball. There are three holes on the ball. The two together are for your middle fingers and the single hole is for your thumb. To hold the ball in the proper bowling technique, hold the ball with the palm of your hand facing upwards. Turn your thumb position to be more at the ten o'clock position and do not change this until you let it go. This is the proper bowling technique for holding the ball.

The second proper bowling technique is known as the approach. As the name suggests this proper bowling technique is when you move toward the lane to release the ball. The proper bowling technique for the approach begins about four and a half steps before the foul line. You should see dots on the lane. When you finish your approach, you should have your feet in the proper bowling technique for your dominant foot. If it is the right foot, the proper bowling technique for you is the center dot. If you are a left foot, it is the exact opposite.

Let us continue on to the proper bowling technique for getting a strike. Proper bowling technique is not in aiming for the first pin but to go for what is known as the pocket. If you have right hand dominance, your proper bowling technique is to aim between the one and three pin. If you are left hand dominant, your proper bowling technique is to aim for the one and two pin.

Releasing the ball also has a proper bowling technique. This is started when you are in your approach. Proper bowling technique combines the approach and the release together. The first step you take towards the dots is done with the right leg. Your right arm should be out. The second step brings the proper bowling technique with the arm pointed straight to the floor. The third step brings the proper bowling technique with the ball behind you and the forth step brings release. Once your feet come into their proper bowling technique at the dots, you release the ball in a roll and not a drop.

To get the ball down the lane in the right positioning for your proper bowling technique, aim for the arrows at the top of the lane. If you are right handed, aim for the second and third arrows to the left side. For left hander, aim for the same arrows on the opposite side. You now have all you need to start practicing on your proper bowling technique. Practice your bowling and enjoy your new sport!

Jordan Matthews is an internet entrepreneur with a 239 average, who enjoys bowling at local ABT tournaments every weekend. Visit Jordan's Bowling Website for more information about bowling in tournaments and improving your scores.

Bowling Tips on How to Bowl a Perfect Strike

Every time a bowler throws their first ball in a frame, there is ONE hope in the forefront of his mind, "Please let it be a STRIKE!"

Knocking down all ten pins with a single bowl is the best possible outcome and the goal to which all bowlers aspire. We all experience "beginners luck" at first, but then seem to lose sight of whatever we did to make it happen.

We all look up to the bowler who can get multiple strikes in a game. Thankfully, there are bowling tips and techniques you can learn to replicate that magic moment...and bowl a strike over and over again!

Where do you begin?

Right where you stand. Literally. Your foot placement is absolutely fundamental to your success. Even if you do everything else correctly, if your feet are not where they need to be, the ball won't go where it needs to either!

Are you right or left handed? If you are left handed, aim your right second toe at the 1-pin. If you're right handed, aim your left second toe at the 1-pin. It may feel odd at first, but make no works! Watch the foot placement of pro bowlers and you'll see they do it too.

Keeping your proper foot aimed at the head pin allows your shoulders to relax and square up with the foul line, making the ball more likely to go where you want it.

Step up to the swing

You now know where you stand. Let's talk about where we're your first intentional strike. Cradle your ball and retract your arm. You're just four steps away from bowling your first strike ball! If you are right handed, step with your right foot, then with your left foot. As you step with the left foot your ball arcs downward. Take your third step with your right foot as the force of the ball lifts your arm upwards. Release the ball and use your left leg as a counterweight to keep your balance.

Release the ball

It's important to release the ball at the proper time. If you release too soon, your ball will start rolling too soon and it won't have enough energy to knock the pins down. If you release on the upswing, you're likely to divot the lane at worst, and roll into the gutter at best. The best time to release the ball is just as centrifugal force begins to guide the ball upward. You'll feel it in your hand as gravity begins to pull at the weight of the ball. Be sure your wrist is straight and relaxed and that you're aiming for the strike zone (the little "x" on the lane in between the arrows).

Follow it through

As you release the ball, remember to NOT look at it. Your eyes should remain fixed on your target and your arm should continue its upward arc until after the ball has been released. It happens all too often when a beginner pulls his arm back quickly and watches the ball, only to have it roll off course. Don't let that happen to you! Where your eyes are looking is where your shoulders and feet are usually pointing. And we know that to bowl a strike, they all need to be facing forward!

By following these easy to learn techniques, you'll be bowling strike after strike. Your friends will be amazed and the competition disappointed. You can stand proud knowing that you have mastered the skills needed to bowl a strike again and again!

ImproveBowling offers beginner bowling tips for bowlers who want to take their game to the next level. Visit for more information on bowling tips and tricks.