Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Little Known Way to Instant Bowling Lessons

I found out that to take lessons at my local alley, I would have to commit a lot of time and pretty fair amount of money. When compared to resources that are more popular and arguably more effective, like How To Bowl Strikes, the choice for me, and countless others, is clear. Lessons are a thing of the past and instant access to bowling lessons can be as easy as a download. In fact, it is that easy.

All you have to do is go practice what you've learned. You're doing that anyway whether you know it or not. Most people don't realize it, but once the idea is pointed out, they quickly agree. The great thing about this sport is that there is a recreational feel to it and it's a popular social and family activity. All these reasons and more are common motivators for people like me and you to invest in lessons. We have a lot more options nowadays too, so take advantage of learning at home, in your own time on your own schedule and at your own pace; ditto for practicing but a word of caution before you do...

If you're bowling, even recreationally, then you're practicing whatever habits you have. You can't take weeks of lessons, which turn into months, then the entire year, only to reinforce lingering habits in the mean-while. An instant method, available online, provides you targeted techniques that result in high-impact bowling lessons. Then, when bowling recreationally, you're practicing the right skills and reinforcing those. It makes sense when you think about it and it costs less then a new bowling ball! I can't think of a better, more affordable or effective way to learn and you won't be able to either if you take a minute and compare your options for learning.

Mike Schnell is a bowling professional, adrenaline junkie, and director of popular blog BowlingTechniquesOnline.Com. He provides honest information and advice on things like who and where to go to for bowling instruction and much more. Check out his blog for more info!

What is the Best Bowling Tip for a Beginner?

Bowling, one of the most popular sports in the world, may seem confusing, but these bowling tips for beginners will go a long way toward helping you feel like a pro in a very short time. This article gives some bowling tips for beginners, from choosing the right ball to use, to playing an actual game. As with all other sports, there is no exact method that must be followed. Each person is different and needs to find the most suitable style with these bowling tips for beginners.

The first bowling tips for beginners involves choosing the right ball. Keep in mind, the sport is based on timing and coordination, meaning you need a ball easy enough to handle. As one of the bowling tips for beginners, we suggest a ball depending on your size and height. Usually, balls for women range from 8 - 15 pounds and for men, they range from 14 - 16 pounds. The best bowling tip for beginners who are looking to choose the correct ball is to bowl with the heaviest ball you can swing comfortably.

A small, but important step in bowling tips for beginners is your bowling stance. Start by gripping the ball with your bowling hand, and rest it in your non-bowling hand (your balance hand). Stand approximately 2 feet from the end of the approach (explained further on in the list of bowling tips for beginners). Stand with your toes pointed straight at your target, while keeping your hips and shoulders parallel and lined up with your feet. Many books containing bowling tips for beginners also refer to this process as squaring up. Bowling tips for beginners cover your approach to the lane.

In our bowling tips for beginners, we suggest you experiment with your delivery of the ball. There are several different deliveries for the average bowler. Bowling tips for beginners gives the subsequent distances as starting points for these particular deliveries:

- 3 step delivery, stand 8 - 10 feet from the foul line.

- 4 step delivery, stand 10 - 12 feet from the foul line.

- 5 step delivery, stand 12 - 16 feet from the foul line.

If your size or your stride is larger than normal, make changes to adjust for this.

Both these factors in bowling tips for beginners, grip and aim, are very important. While keeping a good grip on your ball, bowling tips for beginners advise you to align the ball with your shoulder and, keeping your forearm slightly bent, use your balance hand (non-bowling hand) to balance the ball. Taking a deep breath, then exhale keeping your stomach muscles tight is part of the great bowling tips for beginners and aids your concentration and aim.

The next step in bowling tips for beginners is to hold the ball until goes passed your left foot. The distance after the line of foul is the right time to release the ball. According to bowling tips for beginners, this release will depend on the particular size, speed limit, length, and amount of steps used by the individual bowler.

The last tip of our bowling tips for beginners is that you should enjoy your game. This is the most important tip of all. Remember that bowling itself is a sport, and no matter what, the game should be fun for you. Of all the bowling tips for beginners, this one is the most important. Join a league, whether for competition or just for fun.

Jordan Matthews is an internet entrepreneur with a 239 average, who enjoys bowling at local ABT tournaments every weekend. Visit Jordan's Bowling Website for more information about bowling in tournaments and improving your scores.